Bitwarden CLI

I have used Bitwarden for a couple of years now, but I surprisingly haven’t utilized the CLI tool for anything. Recently, I was coding a script that needed to store an API auth token to an environment variable, but I didn’t want the token to be stored in plaintext. So, I setup and used the Bitwarden CLI for the first time to solve my problem!
CLI Install
To install the CLI tool (bw
), go to the CLI Documentation
page. There is a native executable for
each major OS, that you can download and install.
In Linux, I first installed it using node. After installing npm
on my
Fedora machine, I was able to install bw
using the command:
npm install -g @bitwarden/cli
To instead use the prebuilt Linux executable (which I tried later), first
download the executable package and unzip it. Next, give the bw
executable permissions (chmod +x bw
). Lastly, move or link the bw
file to a
location in your $PATH
variable (ex: sudo ln -s /home/Ryan/Builds/bw /usr/bin/bw
I also tested this out on my Mac. Here, I used the install method that I always try use when on macOS: Homebrew:
brew install bitwarden-cli
Login and Sync
With bw
installed, you must first login with your account:
☁ ~ bw login
? Master password: [hidden]
Despite what the docs say, you don’t need to provide your password as part of
the bw login
command. If it is omitted, bw
will simply prompt you for the
password, which is what I recommend doing, so that you don’t have your password
stored in the shell history 😉.
After logging in, you should be greeted with a similar message:
You are logged in!
To unlock your vault, set your session key to the `BW_SESSION` environment variable. ex:
$ export BW_SESSION="WbiVLHrBEb2ktU7xVB4h1y40DhgFwV+vJ/lBw6EFk23wCxhUWsMTasXlXI3OEBS6xwaG638MepXdS7u1+FysNg=="
> $env:BW_SESSION="WbiVLHrBEb2ktU7xVB4h1y40DhgFwV+vJ/lBw6EFk23wCxhUWsMTasXlXI3OEBS6xwaG638MepXdS7u1+FysNg=="
You can also pass the session key to any command with the `--session` option. ex:
$ bw list items --session WbiVLHrBEb2ktU7xVB4h1y40DhgFwV+vJ/lBw6EFk23wCxhUWsMTasXlXI3OEBS6xwaG638MepXdS7u1+FysNg==
The message provides the option of exporting the Bitwarden session token as an
environment variable, or appending it to your bw
commands using the
flag. You don’t have to include the session token when using bw
but it will make it much less annoying to work with. If the token is not
defined or included, it will prompt for your password with each command.
Also, it’s probably a good idea to run a bw sync
after logging in, just to
make sure everything is up to date.
Getting a Value
Now that we are logged in, lets work on grabbing some data from our vault. The
bw list
command is used to list out contents from the password vault. This
requires an object to be specified, which can be items
, folders
, org-collections
, org-members
, and organizations
Flags, like --search
can be used to help narrow down the wall of results you
get. For example, I can use --search
to narrow down the results to the specific
‘post-test’ object I want.
☁ ~ bw list items --search post-test
Use in Automation
Once we have found an object we want, we can use it’s id
to reference it
directly, instead of searching.
☁ ~ bw get item aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa
Knowing the id
is helpful when setting up automation. Additionally, the object
data is returned as json
, so it is easy enough to parse.
As an example, if we were writing a script and wanted to use Bitwarden to supply
my post-test
password, we could grab it with this one-liner combining jq
grab the value ("terrible-password"
) from the json output:
☁ ~ bw get item 937b567a-a8a4-4ede-9fc1-adf000c17a4b |jq '.login | .password'
I’ve used bw
once or twice at this point for automation scripts, and it has
worked great! One of the reasons I choose
Bitwarden when I last switched password managers
was because it also had a CLI client. I’m glad to have finally used it!