λ ryan. himmelwright. net

Note: This is a "RSS Only" post.

RSS-Only Posts

I just figured out a way to enable ‘rss-only’ posts on my website. Basically, it means if you’re getting and reading my posts via rss, you see this. If you’re just browsing the website index… you won’t (however you can still access the page via direct link).

It’s a little nod and thank you to rss users out there 🙂.

I came across the idea after adding evantravers.com to my feed reader. He’s part of something called the rss-club, and I love it. There are others in the club that I also follow, but I never realized I was getting rss only posts from them 😄.

Anyway, I liked the idea and wanted to implement it on my website for a few reasons:

Long story short, if you subscribe to this website via rss… thank you! I’ll try to add quick and fun posts to the feed on occasion.

– Ryan