λ ryan. himmelwright. net

Trying Out the Plasma 5 Desktop Environment

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After watching the continued development of the Plasma 5 desktop environment from a distance, I determined I needed to give it another try. It was just before version 5.6 was released, and the project appeared to be finding it’s stride. Right up front, I want to come clean and admit that I have never really liked the KDE/Plasma desktop environment (more on that below). However, with that said… I am still using the plasma desktop on my main computer (months later, and haven’t aborted yet**…). Here are my thoughts.

My History with KDE/Plasma

Now, as I said above, I have never really liked KDE (now Plasma). In fact, sometimes I down right hated it. It is a great project, and I wanted to like it. It has so many features and is amazing for power users. I have tried it again and again, desperately wanting to be swept off my feet, but it’s design always kept me bolted to the ground. The theming made me feel like I was using a Fisher-Price operating system (which is ironic, because like I said… the plasma desktop is probably one of the best power user environments out there). The bulky features always made it feel childish. So, with that said… I have been using using the Plasma desktop on all of my personal computers for several months. Here are my thoughts.


Default KDE Plasma 5.6 Desktop

Plasma Settings

Plasma Settings

Desktop Cube


Plasma Settings

Final Thoughts

Update: I took forever to get this post out and I have actually moved off of Plasma. I just couldn’t handle the multi-monitor issues I had. However, I will definitely be trying out the Desktop Environment again in the future (I moved to i3-gaps for now. I love my tiling window managers :) )

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