λ ryan. himmelwright. net

Nearly headless VMs Using utmctl

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Durham NC

I’ve been using UTM since I switched to Apple silicon macs, but I recently discovered it’s cli tool, utmctl. It’s completely changed how I mange UTM and VMs on my macs.

How to install

utmctl is included when you install UTM (via the AppStore or package download available on their website). Once installed, you should have the utmctl command in a terminal:

iryan@venusaur ~ $ utmctl
OVERVIEW: CLI tool for controlling UTM virtual machines.

USAGE: utmctl 

  -h, --help              Show help information.

  list                    Enumerate all registered virtual machines.
  status                  Query the status of a virtual machine.
  start                   Start a virtual machine or resume a suspended virtual machine.
  suspend                 Suspend running a virtual machine to memory.
  stop                    Shuts down a running virtual machine.
  attach                  Redirect the serial input/output to this terminal.
  file                    Guest agent file operations.
  exec                    Execute an application on the guest.
  ip-address              List all IP addresses associated with network interfaces on the guest.
  clone                   Clone an existing virtual machine.

  See 'utmctl help ' for detailed help.


The utmctl options are all rather straightforward. I most often use the commands utmctl list, utmctl start VMNAME, and utmctl ip-address VMNAME. However, some of the other options, such as exec and attach, look interesting.

A quick example - Running (nearly) ‘headless’ VMs

The display device in the UTM settings. Right click to remove.
The display device in the UTM settings. Right click delete.

The main improvement that utmctl has provided me is the ability to run my VMs “headless” (mostly), which I am accustomed to doing on Linux. To do this:

# Enable ssh to start. Likely this command on most linux systems:
sudo systemctl enable sshd
ryan@venusaur ~ $ utmctl list
UUID                                 Status   Name
D77A861B-61DD-483A-BA09-D647C77EB77A stopped  nixos
EADB0899-8B20-48B9-BD23-B179E3C258B3 stopped  fedora

-- or --

ryan@venusaur ~ $ utmctl status fedora
ryan@venusaur ~ $ utmctl start fedora

ryan@venusaur ~ $ utmctl status fedora
ryan@venusaur ~ $ utmctl ip-address fedora
ryan@venusaur ~ $ ssh ryan@
Last login: Fri Jul 28 05:43:17 2023
[ryan@fedora ~]$ # I'm in the VM!
ryan@venusaur ~ $ utmctl status fedora
ryan@venusaur ~ $ utmctl stop fedora
ryan@venusaur ~ $ utmctl status fedora

After moving the display device, running these steps may still leave the UTM application open in the Dock, but the VM window should not pop up. It’s why I consider this to be a “mostly headless” process.


I love a simple but useful cli tool, and utmctl has been just that. I am glad that the team added it, and that it continues to get updates. For me, it immensely improves my experience using UTM. In fact, while writing this post I finally went and bought the App Store version of UTM to help support the developers. If you also love UTM, I encourage you to do the same.

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